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The whole world is a verse.
The rhythm of the verse is a wave.
The whole universe is a wave function.

- H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar



Sri Sri Institute of Agriculture Sciences & Technology Trust offers a unique program titled Mandala Vaatika

This program focuses on Revival of Ancient Gardens which were built on Three Pillars: Sacred Geometry, Plant Frequencies & Vedic Chants.


Sacred Geometry

In ancient India, gardens were created as a means of experiencing the underlying nature of all reality. Garden design was based on Mandala or Sacred Geometry.


Plant Frequencies

Plant species that were planted, were selected based on their vibrations or frequencies.


Vedic Chants

Interaction of the geometric patterns, sounds from chants, together with the plant frequencies, were said to generate shifts in mental states that gave an opportunity to experience the ultimate nature of all existence.


Revival of Lost Science

Sadly, this science is now all but lost with only fragments of this powerful knowledge remaining. This program seeks to revive this ancient knowledge in a simpler form that can be experienced by all.

The Mandala Vaatika is an art of garden system derived from ancient Vedic scriptures that, in a unique manner combines the science of sound vibrations (Naad), geometric patterns (Cymatics), plants & their unique frequencies - and becomes a medium for one to experience different dimensions of consciousness when these elements join together. It not only resonates with the theory of modern Quantum Physics and how wave functions & their vibrations combine to create the physical world around us. It also finds similarities with the ancient cultures from Asia, South America, Middle eastern Arabesque, Christianity and Judaism. This knowledge being so universal and profound, and yet so simple caters to the intellectual mind of scientists, of those curious individuals wanting to explore different dimensions of life, garden enthusiasts, homemakers and students perfectly well.

Introduction to Mandala Vaatika program
by Dr. Prabhakar Rao:

Shankaranarayanan Brahmadesam Raman
on Mandala Vaatika compositions:

The Movie "Tenet" through the Lens of Mandala Vaatika:


Learn the Ancient Science of Mandala Vaatika



Have you done a Mandala Vaatika course with SSIAST before?


Who is Dr. Prabhakar Rao?

Agricultural Scientist and Sustainable Living Architect & Landscapist

Even as a child Dr. Prabhakar Rao was intrigued by the origin of life and everything around it. Sitting up high on the branches of an old guava tree in his parents' home, he would spend hours staring into the sky and years later, when he began his study of agriculture and went on to pursue his PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics, he would say, I was drawn to farming because it had ‘creation’ as its manual and ‘connection’ as its goal.

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The Mandala Vaatika Team:

Dr. Prabhakar Rao (Curator)

  • M.S. Rangaraj

  • Rugmani

  • Aditi

  • Swami Omkarananda

  • Krithika

  • Niranjan

  • Archana

  • Sanjeev

  • Soumya

  • Megha

  • Raja

  • Divya

  • Rashmi

  • Mridula

  • Radhik

  • Vidhi

  • Baneshwar

  • Sudha

  • Rani

  • Parul

  • Chander

  • Vijayalaxmi

  • Dinal

  • Vipul

  • Anjoo

  • Himabindu

  • Mihir

  • Rama

  • Chani

  • Gaurav

  • Leela

  • Divya

  • Saaniya

  • Poorvi

  • Manjusha

  • Cindy

  • Surendra

  • Shilpa

  • Atithi

  • Lakshmi

  • Hari

  • Fuzzy

  • Putu

  • Chandrima

  • Ananya

  • Shivani

  • Suhana

  • Sunitha

  • Kusha

  • Surbhi